Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shedding Some Light On Radar Detectors...

Don't go spinning your wheels get the best information available on radar detectors, lidar detectors, laser jammers, speed camera detectors & countermeasures and speeding fine information. Not sure which radar detector is right for you? Don't get short changed, go over to, there you'll get live expert advice. They don't recommend all brands, only the best ones.
I have no bones about the offense of exceeding the speed limit was created to improve road safety and to offer guidance to all drivers; however, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck--- speed limits are by their very nature argumentable. In almost all circumstances the speed limit is not the best speed to drive at.
I beg to differ:as conditions changes the optimum speed varies too--- on a busy interstate highway a N.C. driver can legally travel at 70 mph, however most drivers are aware that driving at this speed in snow or heavy rain is not safe. Holy cow, most drivers can perceive what a safe speed is anyway--- this concept is called the 85th percentile rule. This rule states that 85% of drivers will drive at similar speeds due to their judgement; with approximately 15% of people being unable to judge what speed they should travel at. That 15% creates a good argument for the enforcement of speed limits... that's for the birds.
Due to the increasing number of speed cameras; many drivers have resorted to using Speed Camera Detectors to avoid getting caught. Which is a sweetheart of a deal, not because drivers want to break the law; it's a plan that allows them to drive with a peace of mind without getting a speed ticket for passing another camera set up. It has been proven that camera detectors actually improve safety for drivers.
Safety tip of the day: first things first using caution at intersections with traffic signals will prevent accidents. If you are the first car in line; when the light turns green you could easily be involved in an accident with a car running the red signal.
It's a fine line, but plausible for these types of accidents to be prevented. Look to the left and right to make sure some other driver isn't running the red light before you move forward.
Also, make sure you're not the one running the light and causing the accident. Get firing on all cylinders... watch out for the other guy--- kporchhaulling(if you're interested in great copywriting and sales technique go over to

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