Friday, November 5, 2010

Secret Charms For Non-Working Fireplaces

What do you do with a non-working fireplace? It may be impossible to block it out of the design, but there are some decoration tips that will give charm to this piece. In this discussion I'll cover tips for transforming a plain looking non-working fireplace, into a charming piece that fits perfectly in your decorating plans.

If you have a non-working fireplace it may be impossible to block it out the room's design, at present it may be distracting from your decorations and serving no actual purpose.

Bottom line, although your fireplace may not be working it can yet work as the focal point of the room, by making your fireplace decorative can add charm to your room's design.

The difference between success or failure will depend on your courage to act upon ideas for creating a charming effect.

To get your ideas flowing think about these home decorating ideas:

* Forget the circumstances create the opportunities. Just because you aren't planning to light your fireplace, doesn't mean you can't stack wood in it for a charming effect. To make your fireplace appealing fill the firebox top to bottom, with evenly cut logs, the cut ends should be facing out. What makes this idea great is the round flat ends of the logs will create a graphic pattern that will be admired. Or perhaps you can arrange white birch logs on black metal andirons and then hang a string of holiday lights over them for great fireplace decor.

* Give you non-working fireplace the charm of a cultivated bookshelf, in the firebox stack books, with the spines out in a tall pile. on the andirons you can place your unread magazines. Perhaps you can build bookshelves for the firebox to place your books, or rare and leather-bound volumes that looks attractive.

* Create a place to draw attention to your art work, first plaster or whitewash your firebox, mantel, hearth and surrounding wall, next arrange your favorite artwork in the firebox, around the heath, or on the mantel. Some ideas of artwork to include may be antiques, works of literature, or any beautiful artwork you'll like displayed.

* Charm has no place to end, so reach high make your fireplace a charming attraction by displaying your favorite plants in it. One idea is to place a classic Boston fern in a painted porcelain pot. Include a humidifier in with some plant stands of various heights, place a grow light in the firebox to create an orchid, or perhaps shine two spotlights down from the mantel to shine on your orchid. Or create a mini-jungle by stacking bromeliads in the opening. Line red amaryllis along the mantel for a special effect for holidays.

* If you would love the charm of fire in the fireplace without burning logs, use long and short pillar candles made of natural beeswax of various heights, beeswax is elegant and burns clean. For an unforgettable charming effect light them all when entertaining friends. Another idea is to use a large empty glass jar(2 gallon capacity or larger) or an old-fashioned candy jar and fill them with strings of clear holiday lights. You can allow them to burn constantly or set them to blink. For patterns of light and shade and an attraction place the container in the fireplace and plug it in for the enjoyment to begin.

* There is no stopping to where charm begins, include a single sculpture, make the firebox an alter alcove or gallery. Some ideas are: use a teak stand with a Buddha statue, perhaps include a multi-faceted crystal, or a tall water-etched scholar's stone. Also try hanging a large red silk lantern in the firebox and place a bulb inside that will give a warm glow when lit, this is thought to create chakra energy and traditional good fortune.

We just had a discussion of transforming a non-working fireplace into a new charm in your room. Even if your fireplace is not working it still can add charm, just use the tips in this article and because it is the result of your love it will be a beautiful thing. Look for more articles by me on home decor, I look forward to more discussions with you in the future.

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