Sunday, August 30, 2009

Follow No Politician Till You've Heard This Trucker's Views...

It's back to the drawing board, with the two major political parties becoming a mirror image of each other with regards to national security and defense.
What it boils down to: American truckers are stepping up to the plate with educated and informed candidates. Unlike Washington politicians who are out of touch with reality,theirs is a professsion that carries them across the country.They are in the real world, candidates understanding hard work and what it takes to build our great nation. They offer fresh choices that reflects our values and beliefs.
John Bootie of Pennsylvania , believes that if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. And like Republican candidate for senate, trucker Mike Peak. Bootie threw his hat into the political arena, as an independent candidate for President. For full details go to bootie .com. Kporchhaulling.
Go to to view some interesting sales samples. And don't forget to leave comments.

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