Monday, August 31, 2009

The Truth About Cellphones & Driving...

If you will just take six minutes of your time and read my blur today, I expect it will be most shocking...

It makes my blood boil; to see multitasking drivers cruising along as they jabber and text on cellphones; and attempt to groom themselves while glancing at some papers. And I feel wroth to learn that in 2003, officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration eradicated a proposal for a large-scale study of cellphone risks, and withheld hundreds of pages of research that warned about the dangers of cellphone use while driving.
Make a long story short, the agency quashed the research to avoid antagonizing the congressional appropriators who controlled the highway budget. That's nothing to sneeze at, because the researchers proposed a warning to state governors about the initial finding that laws mandating the use of hand-free devices did not solve the problem. Other studies show that a driver on the phone is four times as likely to crash as other drivers.
Talking about missing the boat, six years later the Transportation Department advises drivers to avoid cellphones except in emergencies. But far too many Americans now consider phoning while driving to be standard behavior. Kporchhaulling.
Safety tip of the day: whenever there's rain or inclement weather; drivers should slow down to a prudent speed to drive safely on our highways.
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