Saturday, August 29, 2009

Read This Or Be Ignorant --- About Good Drivers...

I hope you have the courage to read this blur; see if you qualify to be a good driver.
Are there any good drivers? I was backing into a space with my tractor-trailer rig today, when along came a man driving his four-wheeler. He just pulled up and glared at me. As a driver, I was sure he was accident prone, the man was impatient which equals to strike #1. My first thought was of those poor people's safety in his vehicle. I don't understand why people even try to drive if they can't pay attention, the man had other options available, but he wanted to challenge my large truck. A bad driver can cause you to have an accident; even if you're a good driver.
Take it from me there are many types of bad drivers. Like a bull in a China shop there's the teenage drivers. They are nervous and scared, or on the other hand many are overzealous.
Another type of driver is like my before mentioned friend, the impatient workaholics. These drivers are alway in a hurry and definitely multi-task. These people have no patience for driving at all, they never consider their fellow drivers. Steer clear of these types of people if you want to avoid dents in your vehlicle.
The last hurrah for the soccer-mom, car-pool types. They pile as many passengers into the car or minivan as possible, whether it's to go to school or a sporting event. It's not safe to pile up in your car without enough seat belts. I know the money and time saved is nothing to sneeze at, but these people take carpoolling to the extreme.
It's a no brainer, many older people should not be driving. They drive slowly, and many tend to weave. It makes you wonder how some people passed the driving test.
And I think my lucky stars for the good drivers out there. You always wear your seat belts, use turn signals, drive the speed limit, and never attempt to multi-task while driving. Maybe one day the good will outnumber the bad. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, kporchhaulling.
Safety tip of the day: a good rule of thumb, please keep children from playing in the street and maybe stop another accident.
Last but not least, go to to view professional samples of sales letters. Don't forget to leave comments...

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